The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the North Springs Improvement District was held Thursday, December 5, 2002 at 4:00 p.m. at the District Offices, 10300 N. W. 11 Manor, Coral Springs, Florida.

            Present and constituting a quorum were:


            Matt Lauritzen                                      President

            Salvatore J. Mendolia                          Secretary


            Also present were:


            Gary L. Moyer                                       Superintendent

            Dennis Lyles                                          Attorney

            Donna Holiday                                      Recording Secretary

            Jane Early                                              Gee & Jenson

            Roger Moore                                           Engineer

            Scott Davidson                                       WCI



FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS             Roll Call

            Mr. Lauritzen called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.


SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS         Approval of the Minutes of the November 7, 2002 Meeting

            Mr. Lauritzen stated that each Board member had received a copy of the minutes of the November 7, 2002 meeting and requested any additions, corrections or deletions.

            There not being any,


On MOTION by Mr. Mendolia seconded by Mr. Lauritzen with all in favor the minutes of the November 7, 2002 meeting were approved as submitted.


THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS            Consideration of Award of Contract for 80' Heron Bay Central and Funding Agreement with WCI

            Ms. Early pointed out on the map the location of the project and stated they do not have a name for this subdivision yet and they are 80' lots.  We received four bids and the lowest responsive bid was submitted by Florida Sewer and Water with a total base bid of $997,812.15.  Our estimate was $1,063,115.50.  We recommend award of the contract to the low bidder.


On MOTION by Mr. Mendolia seconded by Mr. Lauritzen with all in favor the contract for 80' Heron Bay Central was awarded to Florida Sewer and Water in the amount of their low bid of $997,812.15 and the advance funding agreement with WCI was approved.


FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS        Consideration of Engagement Letter with Ruden McClosky Smith Schuster & Russell to Serve as Bond Counsel

            Mr. Lyles stated this is in connection with the Parkland Golf and Country Club project.  Going forward we will issue bonds to fund the infrastructure for that project and other undeveloped areas of the District.  Ruden McClosky has submitted a proposal to serve as bond counsel.  I have reviewed it and Ms. Archer has reviewed it and we have had a preliminary meeting with representatives of WCI and this is in line with proposals for bond counsel.  The terms and conditions are standard for this type of representation of a District such as this one and a major financing such as Parkland Golf and Country Club.  It is in order and ready for approval by the Board at this time. 

            Mr. Moyer stated this is a cost of the development of that area and not of the rest of the residents of North Springs.  These fees will be paid from the bond proceeds when we issue the bonds and that will become part of the overall assessment that we do on those benefited properties that we will serve with the infrastructure that the District has been asked to provide. 

            Mr. Lyles stated by definition, no current property that is occupied within the District could end up paying any of the assessments that we fund or any of the cost of issuance.  There will be other costs but it will all come out of the bond proceeds from this particular financing. 

            Mr. Mendolia asked have we used them as bond counsel before?

            Mr. Moyer responded we have within the greater Coral Springs area.  We just completed a transaction with the Coral Springs Improvement District.  This particular firm has been in business in the Fort Lauderdale area for over 30 years.

            Mr. Lyles stated if for some reason the bonds do not get issued, the transaction becomes less favorable and we don't follow through at the end, they will not charge the District for their services other than their out of pocket costs they may incur not to exceed $10,000. 


On MOTION by Mr. Mendolia seconded by Mr. Lauritzen with all in favor the engagement letter with Ruden McClosky Smith Schuster & Russell to serve as Bond Counsel was approved.


FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS            Consideration of Change Orders

          A.    Change Order No. 1 Heron Bay Boulevard Phase VI with Florida Sewer & Water for a Net Increase of $50,945.33

            Ms. Early outlined the items in Change Order No. 1.


On MOTION by Mr. Mendolia seconded by Mr. Lauritzen with all in favor Change Order No. 1 Heron Bay Boulevard Phase VI with Florida Sewer & Water for a Net Increase of $50,945.33 was approved.


          B.    Change Order No. 3 for Heron Bay East Pod 4, Heron Cove & the Greens with Florida Sewer & Water for a Net Increase of $19,665.50

            Ms. Early outlined the items contained in Change Order No. 3.


On MOTION by Mr. Mendolia seconded by Mr. Lauritzen with all in favor Change Order No. 3 for Heron Bay East Pod 4, Heron Cove & the Greens with Florida Sewer & Water for a Net Increase of $19,665.50 was approved.


SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS            Consideration of Work Authorizations

          A.    Work Authorization 96 for Contract Administration and Construction Observation Services for 80’ at Heron Bay Central Water and Sewer Contract


          B.    Work Authorization No. 98 for Parkland Country Club Pod 5 Water Distribution and Wastewater Collection Bidding Process and Engineering Design Agreement with WCI


            Ms. Early outlined the scope of services for Work Authorization 96 and Work Authorization 98.


On MOTION by Mr. Mendolia seconded by Mr. Lauritzen with all in favor work Authorization 96 and Work Authorization 98 and the Engineering Design Agreement with WCI for Parkland Country Club Pod 5 was approved.



          A.    Attorney

            There not being any, the next item followed.


          B.    Engineer

            Mr. Moore stated the work on the water plant is starting to gear back up.  They have the signed agreement from the bankruptcy court and the surety has taken over.  We soft started three wells this week and it takes 30 days to get them cleared.  We have temporary power to the generator building.

            Mr. Moyer asked are you comfortable since we are going into the Christmas, New Year season which is one of the heaviest use periods that we are situated where we are not going to have capacity problems?

            Mr. Moore responded not unless we lose a well.  At this time I believe we can handle it.  Probably at the next meeting we will have a work authorization for Gee & Jenson to start work on the fourth accelator so that right after this project is finished we can bid that.  We may bring before you some options for other construction such as the chloride building that was supposed to be added to the present contract.  We would like to enter into a change order with Felix and the bonding company may enter into an agreement to take the change order. 


          C.    Superintendent – Status Report on Permit Renewal Policy

            Mr. Moyer stated Ms. Archer is still working on the proposed policy and it will probably be on your next agenda.


EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS         Supervisor's Requests and Audience Comments

            There not being any, the next item followed.


NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS            Approval of Requisitions and Invoices


On MOTION by Mr. Mendolia seconded by Mr. Lauritzen with all in favor the invoices and requisitions were approved.


On MOTION by Mr. Mendolia seconded by Mr. Lauritzen with all in favor the meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m.







Salvatore J. Mendolia                                            Matt Lauritzen

Secretary                                                                  President