The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the North Springs Improvement District was held Monday, November 7, 2002 at 4:00 P.M. in the District Office, 10300 N. W. 11 Manor, Coral Springs, Florida.

            Present and constituting a quorum were:


            Matt Lauritzen                                      President

            Salvatore J. Mendolia                          Secretary


            Also present were:


            Rhonda K. Archer                                 Finance Director

            Dennis Lyles                                          Attorney

            Donna Holiday                                      Recording Secretary

            Jane Early                                              Gee & Jenson

            Roger Moore                                           Engineer

            Bill Joyce                                                District Staff

            Patti Hitchcock                                      WCI

            Greg Mire                                               Keith & Associates

            Wayne Thomas                                     Resident


FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS             Roll Call

            Mr. Lauritzen called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.


SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS         Approval of the Minutes of the September 5, 2002 Meeting

            Mr. Lauritzen stated that each Board member had received a copy of the minutes of the September 5, 2002 meeting and requested any additions, corrections or deletions.

            There not being any,


On MOTION by Mr. Mendolia seconded by Mr. Lauritzen with all in favor the minutes of the September 5, 2002 meeting were approved as submitted.



THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS            Consideration of Award of Contacts

          A.    Audit Services

            Mr. Lauritzen stated I read through the material that was provided to us.

            Ms. Archer stated we have worked with all the firms that submitted proposals.  Berger Toombs has done our audits for the last few years and we are happy with their work.  There is always a learning curve with a new auditor to get up to speed on the District's financings.  The reason we put this out to bid is because the Auditor General set up guidelines for everybody on how they should conduct the engagement of an auditor and they recommend that you enter into a contract for a fixed period of time and at the end of that period you put it out to bid and consider what you want to do going forward.  They don't want you to have a continuing, open-ended contract.  They recommend between three and five years.  If we were not happy with the current firm I would say go with a new firm to see if they are going to do the job for us but we are happy with the job that Berger is doing for us.

            Mr. Mendolia stated they are located in Fort Pierce.  Do they have a local office?

            Ms. Archer responded no, but they come here to do audits for several of our Districts just as the other firms do and they do them all at the same time.


On MOTION by Mr. Mendolia seconded with Mr. Lauritzen with all in favor the agreement for the audit services was awarded to Berger Toombs for a five year period.


          B.    Chemicals

            Ms. Archer stated we put the chemicals out to bid and the bid tabulation was included in your agenda package.  We highlighted the low bid in each category and in some cases the low bid is shared by a couple of different companies and that is because the manufacturers of those chemicals set the retail price.

            The low bid for Rodeo is UAP Timberline in the amount of $28.10 for a total of $10,959.00.  The low bid for Reward is shared by three companies, UAP timberline, Pro Source One and Helena chemical in the amount of $89.50 for a total of $26,850.00.  The low bid for Cutrine Plus is UAP Timberline in the amount of $10.25 for a total of $6,150.00.  The low bid for Aquathol K is shared by three companies, UAP timberline, Pro Source One and Helena chemical in the amount of $47.10 for a total of $9,420.00.  The low bid for hydrothol 191 is shared by three companies, UAP timberline, Pro Source One and Helena chemical in the amount of $50.90 for a total of $5,090.00.  The low bid for 2, 4-D L.V. 4 Ester is Pro Source One in the amount of $14.10 for a total of $1,410.00.  The low bid for Induce was Pro Source One in the amount of $7.00 for a total of $1,050.00.  The low bid for Polymer is Pro Source One in the amount of $12.50 for a total of $375.00.


On MOTION by Mr. Mendolia seconded by Mr. Lauritzen with all in favor the contact for the purchase of Rodeo and Cutrine Plus was awarded to UAP Timberline in the amount of their low bid and the contract for the purchase of Reward, Aquathol K, Hydrothol 191, 2, 4-D L.V.4 Ester, Induce and Polymer was awarded to Pro Source One in the amount of their low bid and if the chemical is not available from Pro Source One, then staff was authorized to purchase the products from UAP Timberland if they have the chemicals in stock and available at the same low bid.


FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS        Approval of Conveyances of Certain Rights of Ways to Broward County


FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS            Authorization to Accept Rights of Way Deeds and Utility Easements Related to Parkland Golf & County Club

            Mr. Lyles stated items four and five are related and all of this is related to Parkland Golf and Country Club.  Ms. Hitchcock will point out on the map the areas we are accepting conveyance of or conveying to the County. 

            Ms. Hitchcock pointed out the areas on the map and stated with the Parkland Country Club Plat we will convey certain rights of ways.  We conveyed Trails End and a portion of University Drive to the District already and we are working on getting those deeds recorded.  We will give Pine Island Road right of way to Broward County because they own the right of way to the south, Nob Hill Road right of way to Broward County, Pine Island Road to the City of Parkland and an additional sliver of University Drive to address a misalignment that occurred as we went through the plat approval process.  Before we record those deeds that are going to entities other than the District, we will grant the District an easement over those rights of ways for the installation of water and sewer lines.  There is already a utility easement to the District under Nob Hill.  We need to grant an easement under Pine Island Road, a portion of County Line owned by WCI, a portion of County Line owned by Pete Beaty and a sliver of University Drive right of way that is included in the plat owned by Pete Beaty. 

            Mr. Lyles stated that is four utility easements from either the Beaty Trust or WCI all in favor of the District.  In addition we have a Trustee's deed from the Ballintine Trust that is part of this package that will also be conveyed to the District.  That is not a utility easement but a fee simple conveyance of property to the District. 

            Ms. Hitchcock stated at such time as you convey the rights of way and improvements to either the City or County you will reserve the utility easements.

            Mr. Lyles stated we also have more action today; two deeds that will be from North Springs to Broward County.  One is for a dike that falls within the County Line Road right of way at the intersection of Nob Hill and the second is a road right of way that is in a former canal easement that is now going to be conveyed as a right of way easement to the County.  That will be without any cost to anyone, it will be recorded and become County property.  That is seven deeds that we need to take action on today.  We have four utility easements to the District, one Trustee's deed to the District, two deeds that will be executed by the District in favor of Broward County.


On MOTION by Mr. Mendolia seconded by Mr. Lauritzen with all in favor the proper District officials were authorized to execute utility easements and acceptance documents as well as right of way easements to and from the District from the various trusts and entities described and to the County.


SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS            Consideration of Plats

          A.    Heron Bay Northeast

            Ms. Hitchcock stated we have platted everything up to Heron Bay Boulevard.  Our next development is Heron Bay Northeast and is a single family development.  The plat before you today has 313 single family lots, a mixture of 50', 65' and 90' wide lots. 

            Ms. Archer stated the engineers have reviewed the plat on behalf of the District and recommend approval and acceptance of the drainage from the land contained within the plat limits.  We met before this meeting and staff made a few recommendations on some minor changes to be made to the plat for lake access easements. 



On MOTION by Mr. Mendolia seconded by Mr. Lauritzen with all in favor the Heron Bay Northeast Plat was approved subject to the minor changes for lake access easements.


          B.    Parkland Western Community Park

            Mr. Mire stated this plat is for an 80 acre regional park that is owned by the City of Parkland and adjoins the roads that you are conveying to the County. 

            Ms. Archer stated the engineers have reviewed the plat and recommend approval.


On MOTION by Mr. Mendolia seconded by Mr. Lauritzen with all in favor the Parkland Western Community Park Plat was approved.


SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS      Consideration of Change Orders/Work Authorizations and Permits

          A.    Change Order No. 1 with Astaldi Construction for Trails End Road for a Net Increase of $88,380.97


          B.    Change Order No. 2 with Florida Sewer and Water for Heron Bay East Pod 4 for a Net Decrease of $7,066.40

            Ms. Early outlined the items in both change orders.


On MOTION by Mr. Mendolia seconded by Mr. Lauritzen with all in favor Change Order No. 1 with Astaldi Construction for Trails End road for a Net Increase of $88,380.97 and Change Order No. 2 with Florida Sewer and Water for Heron Bay East Pod 4 for a Net Decrease of $7,066.40 were approved.


          C.    Work Authorization No. 95 for the Preparation of Construction Drawings for Water Main Extension to Ground Storage Tank

            Ms. Early outlined the scope of services in the work authorization.


On MOTION by Mr. Mendolia seconded by Mr. Lauritzen with all in favor Work Authorization No. 95 for the Preparation of construction Drawings for Water Main Extension to Ground Storage Tank was approved.


          D.    Permit Request for a Fence in Springs Pointe

            Ms. Archer stated there was a hedge planted between Lots 25 and 26 Springs Pointe and City Code required them to take the hedge out which is our access to the lake that abuts the roadway at that point.  It was a vehicular site problem.  I was at the code enforcement hearing and they asked if the District would allow them to put up a fence to keep people out of that area and I said that we wouldn't have a problem with it as long as there was a double lock and we had access for our boats.

            Mr. Thomas stated it is a gate and a fence and we will provide access to the District.  It is my backyard and when we removed the hedge it left a hole in our backyard and my neighbor and I would come home and find people by our pools.  It has become a problem.  We propose a fence and a gate that we will maintain and the City has approved it.  I now need your approval.

            Ms. Archer stated Mr. Schooley and I were both at the hearing and neither one of us had a problem with it as long as we have access through the gate.


On MOTION by Mr. Mendolia seconded by Mr. Lauritzen with all in favor the permit was approved subject to the conditions listed in the engineer's review letter.


          E.    Permit Request to Install 8" Water Main Along Dike, Water Main for the Ranches Association and the Water Main and Sewer Force Main for Parkland Magic

            Ms. Early stated the District entered into an agreement to provide water to the Ranches in Parkland which is outside the District.  Apparently they started installing the water main thinking since there was an agreement they didn't need to submit plans but our staff spoke to them and they came in with their plans.  The permit that is in the agenda package is a right of way permit because they are going to install a water main which will be the District's, a force main that will not be maintained by the District and will outfall into a District manhole and we will take the sewage but we will not maintain the force main.  The permit is to install it within the dike right of way.  In addition we told them they had to come back with a full set of plans so we can do a water and sewer review of the actual Parkland Magic area they are going to serve.  They did that and I have a letter with a few conditions.  They have a 5' easement going through the Temple and we want the City to ensure that they do not plant in that 5' easement, any large trees.  The review fee of $800 must be paid prior to the issuance of the permit.  There is a 15' right of way outside the dike that the water main is going to cross because they are looping it so there are two sections that are crossing the 15'.  We want them to give us a 12' utility easement at both locations.  The rest of the conditions are standard. 


On MOTION by Mr. Mendolia seconded by Mr. Lauritzen with all in favor the permit request to install 8" Water Main Along Dike, Water Main permit for the Ranches Association and the Water Main and Sewer Force Main for Parkland Magic were approved.


EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS         Staff Reports

          A.    Attorney

            Mr. Lyles stated we have talked to you at some length about the problems with Felix Equities, the contractor for the plant expansion and we explained the problem with the bankruptcy court and the proceedings.  We have received today a copy of an order authorizing Felix to assign the contract and proceeds to the surety, St. Paul, and allow St. Paul who ensures the completion of the project for us, to take over the job and finish it, use Felix and its subcontractors.  It allows St. Paul if Felix falls behind the time frames that have been agreed upon, to use another contractor.  The relief we told you we were hoping we would achieve in the bankruptcy proceedings, has been achieved.  We should be able to move forward on a timely basis with this action by the court in place and hopefully have substantial progress by the next meeting. 

            Mr. Joyce stated some checks have already been issued to 8 or 9 of the subcontractors and partial releases of lien have been signed and they have all agreed to come back to work.  This week three or four contractors have come in to talk to Felix Equities to see what they have left to do on their contract and set up appointments for when they can start.  Due to the bankruptcy they are working on other jobs and they need to reschedule to come back in. 

            Mr. Mendolia asked is our budget sufficient for this job.

            Mr. Lyles responded we should be able to see this job completed based on the original contract approved by the Board.  As a matter of record it appears that the project is probably going to be a quarter million dollars over the amount we approved, however, that is where the surety steps in and completes it.  There is always a possibility that they may run into something and request a change order. 



          B.    Engineer

            There not being any, the next item followed.


          D.    Superintendent - Status Report on Permit Renewal Policy

            This item was deferred until the December meeting.


NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS            Supervisor's Requests and Audience Comments

            There not being any, the next item followed.


TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS           Approval of Requisitions and Invoices


On MOTION by Mr. Mendolia seconded by Mr. Lauritzen with all in favor the requisitions and invoices were approved.


On MOTION by Mr. Mendolia seconded by Mr. Lauritzen with all in favor the meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m.






Salvatore J. Mendolia                                            Matt Lauritzen

Secretary                                                                  President