The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the North Springs Improvement District was held Thursday, March 7, 2002, at 4:10 P.M. in the District Office, 10300 N. W. 11 Manor, Coral Springs, Florida.

            Present and constituting a quorum were:


            Matt Lauritzen                                      President

            Salvatore J. Mendolia                          Secretary

            Thomas L. Grossjung                           Supervisor


            Also present were:


            Rhonda K. Archer                                 Finance Director

            Dennis Lyles                                          Attorney

            Donna Holiday                                      Recording Secretary

            Jane Early                                              Gee & Jenson

            Roger Moore                                           Engineer

            Scott Davidson                                       WCI

            Warren Craven                                     WCI



FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS             Roll Call

            Mr. Lauritzen called the meeting to order at 4:10 p.m. and called the roll.


SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS         Approval of the Minutes of the February 7, 2002 Meeting

            Mr. Lauritzen stated that each Board member had received a copy of the minutes of the February 7, 2002 meeting and requested any additions, corrections or deletions.

            There not being any,


On MOTION by Mr. Mendolia seconded by Mr. Lauritzen with all in favor the minutes of the February 7, 2002 meeting were approved as submitted.


THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS            Heron Bay East Pod 4

            Ms. Early stated this is the change order we talked about last month.  Florida Sewer & Water has a contract for Pod 4 and WCI needed them to do the Greens and Heron Cove which is next to where they are working now.  Part of the cost is the District's and part is WCI's.  The water and sewer portion is the District's and that amount is $844,371.25


On MOTION by Mr. Grossjung seconded by Mr. Mendolia with all in favor Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $2,123,700.15, Work Authorizations 86 and 87 and Addendum No. 1 to Agreement 329 for Heron Bay East Pod 4 were approved.


FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS        Consideration of Work Authorization No. 85 to Prepare Construction Drawings for Excavation of Approximately 35 Acres of Lakes and Drainageways and Engineering Design Agreement No. 332

            Ms. Early stated this is design of the Heron Bay Central lakes  and the work covered in this work authorization was completed in October but the paperwork was not put through.


On MOTION by Mr. Grossjung seconded by Mr. Mendolia with all in favor Work authorization No. 85 and Engineering Design Agreement No. 332 were approved.


FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS            Consideration of Permit Request to Landscape Dike along Heron Bay Six

            Ms. Early stated Heron Bay Six backs up to the District's dike in the west and WCI is requesting to put a hedge on the face of the dike which is in the back of the homes and they want to sod the top of the dike.

            Ms. Archer asked are they going to irrigate it?

            Mr. Craven responded no we are going to use bahia sod and that does not need to be irrigated.  The hedge will be irrigated from the yard side.

            Ms. Archer stated you will depend on the water from the houses that abut this dike to irrigate the hedge.

            Mr. Davidson responded yes.


On MOTION by Mr. Grossjung seconded by Mr. Mendolia with all in favor the permit was approved subject to the special conditions listed in the engineer's letter that the maintenance responsibility of the landscaping be the responsibility of WCI.


            Ms. Early stated Florida Sewer & Water completed Pod 3 and submitted the paperwork a few days ago and I would like to have you consider the change order.  It is Change Order No. 1 & Final for the Heron Bay East Pod 3 contract with Florida Sewer and Water for a net decrease of $15,234.25.


On MOTION by Mr. Grossjung seconded by Mr. Mendolia with all in favor Change Order No. 1 & Final for the Heron Bay East Pod 3 contract with Florida Sewer and Water for a net decrease of $15,234.25 was approved.


SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS            Approval of Joining in with Voluntary Annexation

            Ms. Archer stated we received a letter from Patti Hitchcock of WCI who is planning to annex land into the City of Parkland.  It has already been considered at a public hearing in Broward County.  We own property within this area, they are asking that we join in this voluntary annexation. 

            Mr. Lyles stated I was provided with a copy of the  petition by WCI and have reviewed it.  It is necessary in order to have a voluntary annexation procedure that any property owner join in the annexation.  It is appropriate for us to be a part of this application.


On MOTION by Mr. Grossjung seconded by Mr. Mendolia with all in favor joining in the voluntary annexation was approved and the proper District officials were authorized to execute any necessary documents to implement the voluntary annexation.



          A.    Attorney

            There not being any, the next item followed.


          B.    Engineer

            There not being any, the next item followed.


          C.    Superintendent

            Ms. Archer stated if it is okay with the Board I would like to move the next meeting to the second Thursday in April.


EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS         Supervisor's Requests and Audience Comments

            Mr. Grossjung stated with my travel schedule it is becoming increasingly difficult to make these meetings and if you want to appoint another supervisor I will tender my resignation.


NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS            Approval of Requisitions and Invoices


On MOTION by Mr. Grossjung seconded by Mr. Mendolia with all in favor the requisitions and invoices were approved.


On MOTION by Mr. Grossjung seconded by Mr. Mendolia with all in favor the meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.






Salvatore Mendolia                                                Matt Lauritzen

Secretary                                                                  President